How to Find Bookmarks on iPhone and iPad

When browsing through articles and pages on your favorite websites, you might run into that moment when you need a quick reference on a specific topic.

To save time, you can bookmark your favorite pages so you can refer to them later on. With the iOS apps for iPhone and iPad, you can easily bookmark sites and pages.

So in this article, we’re going to discuss how to find bookmarks on iPhone and iPad within a minute.

How to Find Bookmarks on iPhone?

Here is the step by step process to find bookmarks on iPhone:

  • While browsing a page, press and hold the address bar until you see a pop-up menu.
  • Tap “Add to Reading List” in the menu.
  • The next time you have a free moment, open the Reading List app from the Home screen and tap the name of the page you want to read to access it.
  • Press the Home button to exit the Reading List app.
  • You can also access the Reading List from the “View” pull-down on your iPhone.
  • If you use iCloud or other services to sync bookmarks, they’ll sync to your other devices as well.

How to Find Bookmarks on iPad?

Follow these steps to find bookmarks on the iPad:

  • Open the “Bookmarks” section from the “App Drawer” on your iPad.
  • Tap a bookmark to open it.
  • You can also access bookmarks from a “hamburger” icon at the top left of your screen.
  • If you use iCloud or other services to sync bookmarks, they’ll sync to your other devices as well.

How to Remove Bookmarks on iPhone?

If you want you can remove your bookmarks on your iPhone so easily:

  • Press and hold the “Edit” button on the address bar and select “Delete” from the pop-up menu.
  • Tap “Remove” to confirm.
  • You can delete bookmarks from all your other devices as well.

Tips for Bookmarking Sites

Make sure your sites are set to “Add to Reading List” or “Read Later” to save them for later. Here’s how to set bookmarks from the Safari address bar.

Create a folder to organize your bookmarks. You can find folders in the Bookmarks app by tapping the “Add Bookmark” button and then tapping “Create Folder.”

You can also create a bookmark-specific folder, such as “Marketing” or “Computer Science.”

You’ll find it easier to organize your bookmarks if they’re grouped together by topic. To make it easier to find your favorite bookmarks, create a list with descriptions for each bookmark.

You can name the list and sort it accordingly by tapping the “Edit” button at the top of the list. To make it easier to find your bookmarks, create folders for them.

The iPhone and iPad don’t come with a built-in browser, but you can use other apps to get a better browsing experience, such as Read it Later.

You can also add images to your bookmarks for a more personalized experience with your sites.

I hope now you know how to find bookmarks on iPhone and iPad. If you’re facing any issues regarding bookmarks feel free to contact us through a comment.

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