How to play the Blood Death Knight class in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Starting to play World of Warcraft, many players immediately tend to choose a difficult game class. All because of the different mechanics and varied assessment of the future gameplay, which the current newcomers to the world of Azeroth are not yet aware of. Fortunately, the WoW project has existed for more than 10 years and on the Internet there are a significant number of guides and many services that can help players.

You can order coaching from Skycoach – a professional service that provides a wide variety of services for players of any level.

Training involves a thorough analysis of all the main game mechanics, key skills, principles of build formation and understanding of the game meta.

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Skycoach guarantees the quality of the training service and returns the money if the desired result is not achieved. An employee is selected solely on the basis of the game role and the type of class that must be met for the effective growth of gaming skills and understanding of the World of Warcraft game as a whole.

How to play the Blood Death Knight class in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Blood specialization for the Death Knight class in World of Warcraft

Blood is one of the six available specializations for the tank class, which focuses on strengthening the group and the survival of the class itself by restoring some of the health when attacking.

The main skill of the specialization is considered to be Death Strike – which deals damage to the enemy with a blow with the power of darkness and restores up to 25% of health from the damage dealt, but not more than 7% of the death knight’s total HP.

Major Changes for the Blood Specialization in the Latest WoW Dragonflight Patch

The blood specialization has not received any major changes and has remained a fairly strong counter-attacking profession that can not only withstand high damage and use cooldowns for the entire group, but also drain additional resources from enemies and replenish lost health at their expense.

Many skills received buffs and were not included in the patch notes for the latest patch:

Blood Plague – a skill that deals damage and drains the enemy’s health for the next 24 seconds, has become stronger by 25%.

Blood Infusion – Every 3 minutes, when your health drops below 30%, you steal some of the health of the nearest enemy and now the strength of the restored HP will be higher.

Blood Delight now heals for 30% of the accumulated Bone Shield Defense points.

Scarlet flesh – has the ability to impose decay effects on the target when using an automatic attack without spending special runes and time to regenerate them.

Gluttony – now, when using the Death Strike skill, the power of restoring health increases to 12%.

The Eternal Link skill will now have lower effectiveness, at the cost of reducing Blood Plague’s power by 25%.

General and most advantageous characteristics for developing the Blood Death Knight class in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Characteristics are the main parameters that are responsible for the progress of the class and its strength during leveling, battles against other players, when farming raids and completing story missions.

Some of the characteristics can be upgraded using high quality equipment, and some will be developed independently by increasing the game level.

Equipment Level

Each item in World of Warcraft has its own general level of power, which depends on the level of the player himself and the way he was obtained or crafted.

For example, raids of a certain level will only drop weapons and equipment as loot in the appropriate gap between the level of the player and the dungeon master himself.

Therefore, you should always strive to increase the level of your weapons and equipment.

The weapon will allow you to inflict more damage on the enemy and at the same time, in itself, will have increased characteristics and the potential for inserting special stones that a skilled blacksmith can inlay.

With armor, the situation is similar, but you need quality equipment to fulfill your main role – to be the defender of your group and be able to withstand damage from many enemies.

Equipment and its level also affect the chances of getting into raids, where often there is always a minimum level of items, without which you will not be able to get inside, but you are guaranteed to get equipment of a higher value if you win.


Mastery is a parameter that affects the quality of the skills used and the likelihood of dealing increased damage.

This parameter is extremely important for all classes that rarely attack with auto attacks and often use skills to deal the main damage.

The higher the setting, the greater the chance of negative effects passing on the enemy and the total damage that will be dealt and the potential for dealing double damage and triggering empowering skills in double the time format.


Speed is an important parameter that is responsible not only for the character’s mobility, as it may seem at first glance, but makes it possible to overclock the general parameter of running, attacking and casting spells.

Since an important parameter for a tank will be to be in the right place at a certain moment of the battle and quickly approach the enemy to intercept his attention from supports to you as a tank and the ability to catch up with any target when trying to break the distance.

Attack speed will also benefit when leveling, fighting and using skills – the higher the attack speed, the faster you will use skills and deal simple damage with auto attacks.

Critical hit

This is a parameter that determines the overall chance of dealing double damage with simple attacks and when using skills. For classes that attack a lot with normal attacks or use skills, it is extremely important to combine attack speed and chance and critical attack power to constantly control the enemy through the strongest and most stable damage to the enemy.

Even for a tank, a critical attack plays an important role, since there are still skills that deal damage, and for a death knight, these are also skills with the effect of lifesteal, which will increase the overall damage and regenerated health from such critical attacks.


A general parameter that evenly develops the general characteristics of attack and defense, which perfectly complements the potential of any tank, making it evenly strong in attack and defense at the same time.

The attack will help in battles against players and monsters, when you will keep the target on you and evenly deal damage to it, contributing to the victory. Protection, on the other hand, will help withstand most attacks and comfortably deter opponents from harming your allies.

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