How To Find The Right Drug Treatment Center For You

Choosing a rehab center to help you combat addiction is among the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Fortunately, there are thousands of drug treatment centers in the United States alone. But with so many at your disposal, how do you identify the right one?

Choosing the right drug treatment center will make it more likely for you to successfully complete the program, leave and maintain your sobriety and lead a different life. The pressure to make the right choice can be overwhelming, but with guidance, it’s all manageable.

Here are key considerations to make when picking from drug treatment centers near me.

Determine Your Treatment Goals And Needs

Drug treatment centers near me may likely have different philosophies on how they conduct treatment – this is why it’s important that you have your needs and goals outlined before you even consider looking.  Do you have any specific needs you want from a center? An example of a specific need is chronic pain treatment. In this case, you would need a center with pain management and alternative therapies like acupuncture, massage, meditation, and chiropractic services. 

Another example is for patients with a dual diagnosis of co-occurring mental health disorders. Not all drug treatment centers near me can handle such a circumstance. Such a patient will need a program that offers mental health and substance abuse treatment. While medication-assisted treatment is widely accepted in addiction treatment, not all facilities offer it. 

You need to have decided your preference so that you can pick out a center with what you prefer. Some individuals prefer an abstinence-based approach. Ideally, choose a center offering a range of treatment options such as detox, medical, holistic treatment, behavioral therapy, and the like.

Consider Centers That Offer Continued Support After treatment

Not all drug rehab centers near me will provide support programs after treatment. Consider a treatment center that offers continued support and care even after you leave the facility. Some great aftercare programs include:

  • Continued therapy
  • Transitional housing
  • Other levels of care, like outpatient treatment (if you go in as an inpatient)
  • Peer and family relationships

Those are just a few. Ensure your choice of treatment center has a solid aftercare program to help you succeed outside of the observed treatment. Such a center eases your transition through the levels of care in case you require further treatment.

Drug Treatment Centers Near Me

Proximity is a key factor when picking a treatment center. Consider centers closer to you if you have responsibilities like children or other dependents. If, after your assessment, you learn that you may need inpatient services, think about how far you can be from your home and loved ones. 

Inpatient treatment will also require looking for people to step in and take care of your dependents and any pets during your treatment period.

However, drug treatment centers near me may not always be the best option. Some people want to distance themselves completely from the environment and friends in their past life while in recovery. In such a scenario, opt out of centers that are too close to things that may trigger you. 

Pick A Center And Start Your Treatment

Picking the right center may feel overwhelming, but you had already won the first battle when you decided to seek treatment. Remember, you do not have to do it all alone. Speak to a trusted family member or friend to help with the process. Once you pick a center, remember to confirm that the authorizing bodies of your area accredit it. Success, you’ll be okay!

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