How to Put Together the Best Backyard Cornhole Tournament

Summertime is family fun time, especially in the backyard. There’s barbecues, neighborhood get-togethers, and best of all good ole’ cornhole tournaments. Hosting a backyard cornhole tournament is a great way to kick up the fun factor for any summer gathering. It’s simple, fun, and easy to set up. Most importantly, cornhole is fun for people of all ages. It doesn’t matter what size or how athletic anyone is, it’s a game everyone can participate in and enjoy. 

If you’ve already got the cornhole boards, then you’ll just need to find the best cornhole bags for sale to complete your set. There are a few tips you’ll need to host the best backyard cornhole tournament and ensure it’s a smooth event. Luckily, it doesn’t require a lot of space to add the excitement of a tournament to your backyard gathering. 

Here’s what you need to know to host a great backyard cornhole tournament. 

Plan Your Tournament

Hosting a backyard cornhole tournament isn’t rocket science but it does require some planning. You’ll have to choose a date and time for your gathering and plan your event when you think most guests will be able to attend. 

Decide how many guests you need to invite for an equal number of teams and choose a prize for the tournament winner. After this,  you can create invitations with everything guests need to know and send them out. Ask people to RSVP so you’ll know how much food, boards, and cornhole bags you’ll need.  

Gather Game Supplies

Next, you’ll need to gather your supplies. It’s important to have enough cornhole boards and bags for everyone who will enter the tournament. If there will be 3 teams of 5 people each, then you’ll need at least 15 cornhole bags to ensure everyone can play. You may need to find some cornhole bags for sale if you don’t have any extra. 

It’s also a good idea to create a signup sheet for the tournament. Not everyone who comes to the get together will want to enter but several people most likely will. You’ll also want to create a scoring system for the tournament. Whether you use a dry erase board or a small sheet of paper and a scorekeeper – this is something you’ll need to arrange in advance. 

Set Up in Advance

Take the time to set up your cornhole tournament area in advance. Walk around your backyard and decide where the boards will go and where the refreshments will go. Be sure there is plenty of room for multiple cornhole boards and decide how you will lay them out. Design a space for tournament participants and another space for onlookers and scorekeepers. Laying out the playing area in advance will ensure everything goes smoothly on the day of the tournament. 

Have Fun

The most important thing is to have fun with your backyard cornhole tournament. Relax and enjoy your time with family and friends. Cornhole is the perfect summer game to bring everyone together. Hosting a cornhole tournament adds a modicum of excitement to an already fun filled summer evening. Take the time to plan your tournament, gather supplies, and lay everything out in advance. If necessary, find extra cornhole bags for sale to ensure you have enough for everyone. Then relax and enjoy the fun of hosting a backyard cornhole tournament with friends.  



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