Can You Use Bactine On Dogs

Dogs are active animals. They can jump and play the entire day and still not get tired. So it is inevitable for them to get hurt. It can be through scratches, wounds, cuts, etc. In that case, we dog owners rush for an antiseptic like Bactine. But the question is, can you use Bactine on dogs?

There was no problem when you used the bactine. But your dog is not you; it is an animal. It may require something else.

However, the good news is that you can use Bactine on dogs, but in specific terms. The abstract below is going to tell you everything about it.

What Is Bactine?

Bactine is a first-aid treatment used as an antiseptic for skin problems. Like scratches, sunburn, minor cuts, and so on. It reduces pain through its anaesthetic abilities for both humans and pets, much like the Bactine® MAX Pain Relieving Cleansing Spray.

Can You Use Bactine On Dogs

In Bactine, you will find 0.13% of benzalkonium chloride and 4% of lidocaine HCL. Here, Benzalkonium Chloride plays the role of antiseptic by preventing infections and bacteria. On the other hand, Lidocaine HCL gives temporary relief like a topical anaesthetic. So these two ingredients mainly do the job of cleansing and healing.

Can You Use Bactine On Dogs?

Before we think of applying bactine to our dogs, we have to first be clear about whether it is safe for them. Well, yes, the ingredients present in bactine do not harm a dog’s skin.

Dogs usually like to stay outside. So inhaling dust and pollen would be their regular thing. The sad part is that some dogs are allergic to pollution. As a result, they can get itchy patches, rashes, etc. Moreover, your dog may bite that area to get rid of the pain, which may lead to scratches and cuts. If it were a human, you would have grabbed the Bactine first. Well, you can do it for your dog as well.

Bactine helps in disinfecting and healing wounds. Other than cuts and scratches, this antiseptic is beneficial for many skin problems in dogs. Such as infections, poison ivy, worn paw pads, and so on.

How To Use Bactine For Dogs?

Although Bactine is a helping hand for dogs too, it can cut the corners if you don’t apply it to your dog following some safety measures.

  • Apply a cone or collar around your dog’s neck. This can prevent him from licking the Bactine.
  • If you are using Bactine ointment, take a thin dot of it and rub it on the affected area.
  • Wipe away the excess ointment. As a result, there won’t be any excessive lidocaine.
  • If it is a Bactine spray, spray one to two times and wipe away the surplus.

Note: Talk to your dog or give him another pet to spend time with. This can make him busy and forget about licking the injured area and bactine.

Benefits Of Using Bactine For Dogs

Here are some top benefits that your dog can get from an appliance of bactine. Like-

  • Prevents canine dermatitis.
  • Disinfects and heals the wound.
  • Cures staph infections.
  • Soothes skin rashes.
  • Heals minor cuts and scratches.
  • Prevents itching.
  • Mends insect bites.

Risks Of Using Bactine On Dogs

Bactine is a safe antiseptic you can use to treat your dog’s skin problems. But once your dog licks it, he can be in dire straits. Whether it is an ointment or spray, taking the Bactine can lead to some health issues for your dog. Such as

  • Weakness in muscle
  • Constant vomiting
  • Trembling
  • High fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling too much
  • Damaging of tissue
  • Mouth sores

Can You Use Bactine Max On Dogs?

Bactine Max is a popular product that most of us use as an antiseptic. However, the Bactine Max is quite powerful, which most dogs can’t withstand.

Can You Use Bactine On Dogs

So apply a small amount first to your dog and see if he has any reaction or not. If he stays normal, then you can go for it. And you must not let your pooch lick the antiseptic.

Note: Make sure you are using this product under your veterinarian’s guidance.

Can You Use Bactines For Dogs With Hot Spots?

Sometimes, dogs become so curious and stressed that they scratch their skin. This can lead to hot spots (canine dermatitis) on their skin. Other than that, allergies, infections, and too much licking on the body can cause hot spots.

If you don’t treat the hot spots on your dog, you will probably dodge a bullet. Luckily, hot spots are treatable with a common antiseptic that we all have, i.e. Bactine. It works on healing the skin, so why can’t it heal a hot spot? Well, it is always best if you apply the Bactine after the vet’s recommendation.

Alternatives For Bactine

We may not all have bactine available in our homes. Don’t worry; there are some alternatives that you can opt for when you don’t have bactine. Such as

Oregano oil

You can use Orengo oil as an antiseptic since it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.. Just mix a few drops of it with carrier oil and apply it to the wounded part of your dog.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is safe to use as it does not contain any toxic ingredients. You can use it for minor injuries in dogs, as this antiseptic kills bacteria and viruses.

Manuka Honey

One of the most famous and obsolete antiseptics is Manila honey. You can apply it instead of Bactine to your dog’s targeted areas.

Povidone Iodine

Povidone iodine not only does wonders for human cuts but also for pets. You can use it with your canine friends as a disinfectant.


Neosporin is quite gentler than Bactine. Most veterinarians suggest using Neosporin as an antibiotic to cure dogs’ wounds. Its main job is to fight infections, clean the skin, and kill bacteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use Bactine on dogs’ ears?

You cannot use Bactine inside your dog’s ears, as it is meant for external use only. But yes, you can use it for wounds and cuts outside the ears of your dog.

Can you use Bactine on dogs’ paws?

There aren’t any side effects from using bactine on a dog’s paws if the wounds, cuts, and scratches are small. However, it requires the vet’s consultation.

Can you use Bactine on dog stitches?

Yes, you can use Bactine on your dog’s stitches only if his veterinarian suggests doing that. Since stitches are sensitive, you must not use anything there without the vet’s suggestion.

Final Thoughts

Bactine is a boon for antiseptics. Along with humans, it can perform well for dogs and other pets.

There is always a but in everything. You can use bactine on dogs, but not when they have deep, open wounds. Also, you have to stop applying it to your dog when it gets an allergic reaction.

If possible, cover the wounded part with gauze and micropore after applying the Bactine Hence, your dog can’t lick it. Lastly, don’t use bactine without asking the veterinarian.

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